Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Breaking the rules...

Ok, I admit. I always did my best not to break the rules at Maranatha because of who my dad was. But sometimes you've got to live a little. Well, he's not president any more so I broke the rules today:-) I went into the dining hall in pants, walked on the grass and was holding a boys hand the entire time (go ahead, ask me who it was!:-) So evil...I know!!!

Added 07-19-06
***Due to the higher traffic on my blog now I feel I should take a minute to explain this blog so no one is offended. I wrote this blog as a joke - I chose the picture on purpose. As most of you know I work a Maranatha's Preschool. While at work, where we are allowd to wear pants, we went on a field trip to the park. The shortest way to the park was through MBBC's campus. So, that's the way we went. We also stopped by the dining hall because Rick, the cook, had asked us to. We went through the grass because we have 14 three-year-olds and 9 four-year-olds that were whining and complaining that the walk was "too long and they were tired." And last, the hand I was holding was that of a three-year-olds. So, if you are still offended by this blog I am very sorry. I guess this picture was not worth a thousand words.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I want to catch a firefly in the alfalfa field...

Ok, so I was driving home with my friends tonight and the conversation swayed to and fro, touching many subjects. One subjects was that of the title of this blog. Another was how so many people we knew as "kids" are going to be in college next year. Another yet was how many people we know that are/have gotten married this summer. This topic lead us to a very interesting one. The one of the infatuation my friend "Sarah"* had for this particular boy at school "Justin"*. Funny how she carried a torch for him for six years!!! SIX LONG YEARS!!! I thought my obsessions were bad! The interesting thing about this is that he basically didn't even know that she walked the face of this earth. That's what is so amazing about life. Yes, admittedly, it's rediculous that most people have had a "crush" on someone at sometime in their life, and we may have gotten a little carried away about it. But usually those crushes end up "breaking our heart's because they don't even say hi to us" and we move on to something better. Now, this is a long stretch, but I like making dumb analogies. We are never satisfied. We "like" someone for a while, maybe even way too long (like "Sarah") and then we end up being hurt and just moving on to do the same thing again. I am far from perfect in this area and anyone who knows me will attest to this fact, but this devotional book I've been reading has really challanged me in this area. Every time we have a strong desire or interest in something or someone, we putting an idol up in our lives. I love my friend "Sarah" and her whole situation was just funny for all those years, but may we all work hard at tearing down the idols in our lives.
* Names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.


My little brother got engaged on Sat. night!! I'm so happy for him. I wish it were me, but I'm very excited for him and MiKayla!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Busy, busy, busy...

For the three of you that actually read this blog I thought I would give you a quick update. Things have been really busy here. I finished my student teaching last Wed. (woohoo!!! and huray!!!!) I had a wonderful student teaching experience and I was planning on posting some pictures that day but a few things came up. One thing that kept me from posting them was my computer crashed - as in totally gone. Basically everything I had from my college days gone. Sad:-( Another, the blogspot website was done. And last, but not least, I got done student teaching at 3:30 and went to work at 5 and worked until 4AM. Then that's basically all I have done in the past few days. I have worked a total of 58 hours since I finished student teaching, and I haven't even been done student teaching for a week yet. Tomorrow I get to work from 7:30 AM until 2AM and then back to work at 7:30 on Wed. Should be interesting to see if I can even walk after that.
The only other big news that I have is that we actually have our apartment!!! I'm so excited! Kate called me the other night and left a message saying we have an address now!! We are on the third floor (which will make it interesting for moving in) but will make it nice and quiet as well as it will have a much nicer view. Oh, and since we are on the third floor we would love anyone and everyone that can help us move in. We are moving on Aug. 15 and we'll buy you lunch if you come and help:-) Plus, who wouldn't love to come see Kate and I??
Well, I should get to bed and try to catch a few minutes of beauty rest, we all know I need as much as I can get;-)
I'd love to hear how everyone is doing if anyone gets a minute in their busy lives.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Kristen and Laura...

Today, at work, a lady with twins came into Old Navy. They were super cute and reminded me of my twin sisters. They are the coolest sister I have, ok, so they are the only sisters I have, but I have really loved getting to know them over the past few years and can't wait to see how the Lord works in thier lives as they continue to grow into beautiful young women.
This is a picture of us from graduaion with our mom. L-R Kristin, Connie, Me, and Laura.