Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Pick me, Pick Me...

I haven't blogged in a very long time, so I don't even know if anyone will read this, but it was too cute to not say something about it.

I love my students and love teaching them, but I won't lie - it does have it's moments. There are times when I wonder if I'm getting through to them at all or if they even notice anything that I do. I no longer wonder.

This morning, as the students had free time before school started I watched them interact with one another and "play". A number of my students had decided to "play" teacher. They were up by the bulletin board I use for teaching calender and other things "teaching" each other. They were saying things I say and even motioning the way I motion to things.

It was also a good reminder to me...I have 24 pair of eyes watching me every day. What am I showing them? Pick me, mick me...because I want to show them Christ's love this Christmas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, that is way too cute! They do pick up stuff that we do!

12/15/2006 9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Katie,
Some of us still do check your blog to see what is going on :) Sounded like you all had a good Christmas and time together (except for the whole flu thing going around :( It's been fun to have random and spontaneous trips down there!!! It really has...anyway hope you had a fun New's Years Day doing some shopping.

1/01/2007 7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Katie, just wanted to let you know, I still do read your blogs! Keep posting them! KMN

1/04/2007 1:08 PM  

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