Top ten...
Top Ten Reasons I'm glad I'm teaching first grade in the fall - not preschool!
10. First graders can all write their name
9. First graders can all tie their shoe (seriously - that's a test in Kindergarten)
8. First graders can talk
7. First graders can sit for more than ten seconds (or at least they are supposed to)
6. First graders can color in the lines for the most part
5. First graders are allowd to have scissors
4. First graders can be trusted to take a note to the office without eating the paper on the way
3. First graders can put their own cloths on
2. First graders can go to the bathroom by themselves
1. First graders do not wear diapers!!!!!
10. First graders can all write their name
9. First graders can all tie their shoe (seriously - that's a test in Kindergarten)
8. First graders can talk
7. First graders can sit for more than ten seconds (or at least they are supposed to)
6. First graders can color in the lines for the most part
5. First graders are allowd to have scissors
4. First graders can be trusted to take a note to the office without eating the paper on the way
3. First graders can put their own cloths on
2. First graders can go to the bathroom by themselves
1. First graders do not wear diapers!!!!!
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