Saturday, May 13, 2006

Chapter 23...

On May 11, I woke up as the presidents daughter.

There are so many things I want to say and communicate with you all, but I don't know where to begin. As most of you are well aware, my dad resigned from Maranatha on Thursday night. I'll do my best to explain everything that is happening and my feelings on the whole matter.

Let me start by saying I didn't know. So those of you that are frusterated because you think "I had no idea!! How could he do this so suddenly?" I'm there with you. I was just as shocked as you were. I didn't see it coming, it had not been talked about in our home and it was a day I thought was years away. So, if you're tempted to be bitter or up-set by that, let me say in all kindness, you have no right to be.

Now, let me explain what's happening. My dad has been praying about this desicion for just over a year. He loves Maranatha and he is sad to leave here, but there is more to the story than people may think. Over the last year he has felt convicted that Maranatha has taken him away from his most important ministry - his wife and children. While he loves being busy and he loves traveling and preaching, he knew it was very hard on the three of us. While he loves working with the students at Maranatha, he knew it was consuming all of his time.

Then, Thursday night, after a meeting with the board, he gave them his resignation. This too must be explained - the board did not force him, there are no huge sin problems in his life, and everyone is parting on good terms. There arose an issue that the board and my dad could not agree upon which lead dad to see this was God's way of opening the door for him to leave. He loves Maranatha and the students and will miss them greatly, but the Lord has directed him to move on.

I'm not going to lie to you, I felt great shock at this news. My life was organized. I had a plan. Things were the way they were supposed to be. I was moving out of the house. The house would only be a few hours away. I could visit my family and friends any time I wanted. My dad had a great job.

I remember standing there hearing my dad tell me the news. That's what I did. I just stood there. I didn't believe it. I didn't want to hear it. I didn't understand it. I couldn't take it in. I couldn't question. I couldn't cry. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. It seemed like it was only yesterday that we had moved here and I hated it, but I had now grow to love this place only to have my parents tell me they were leaving. It took a while for it to all sink in. My parents were leaving the only house I ever remember living in that didn't have wheels on the bottom. My parents were leaving WI and didn't know where they were going next. When I moved away, it would be forever and not just until Thanksgiving vacation. My brother didn't have to finish his education at Maranatha. We didn't have to always say goodbye to dad and wonder when he would be home again. Once it all did sink in I didn't know what to feel. I wanted to be sad. Angry. Happy. Scarred. Excited. Nervous. Shocked. Confused. Frustrated. Hurt.

Yet, as I stood there in my parents bedroom, crying, I knew God had a plan. He had already been at work for the past weeks and even months. It was in the little things He had done to help me prepare for this moment. I had a great job waiting for me. I was done with college. I had said goodbye to my friends because I was moving. I had not gotten the job in Watertown that I had thought was God's plan for my life. I had an apartment with the greatest roommate ever. I had friends that had already promised to stay in touch. God had a plan that was going to be carried out no matter what. I didn't see this coming, but God did. So I was prepared. I don't know what tomorrow brings, but I know who brings tomorrow.

This is not the news I thought I would hear just days before my 23 birthday and months before I begin my very own new life - but I know God has great things planned for my parents, for me, and for my whole family. Yes, things will be different. Yes, it will hurt for a while in my heart and the hearts of those around us. Yes, it is far from what I thought was going to happen. Yes, God is still incontrol.

On May 11, I went to bed as Katie Jaspers.


Blogger Heather said...

Katie, my heart breaks for you. I have loved both your parents for a long time. I won't ask all the questions because my All-Wise is in control and I don't have to understand. I have prayed for you, for your brother, and your parents for serveral years. These prayers have only intensified since recieving this surprising news, news that was in no way unexpected to God.

Who you are has not changed. You were Katie Jaspers when you woke up and are no less Katie Jaspers now. Keep trusting God. Thank you for your testimony.

5/14/2006 5:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


I have loved your family, even before I was part of it! Like I said on the phone the other night, you should be proud of your dad for making the right (albeit, hard) decision. Thank you for your honest post. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you!

5/15/2006 7:56 AM  
Blogger Greg Linscott said...

This is a touching perspective, Katie. As the father of three daughters myself (I even have my own Kati!), I found it helpful to see how ministry decisions do affect the entire family.

Thanks for your transparency. May the Lord give direction and certainty to you and yours in the days to come.

5/16/2006 7:47 AM  
Blogger Carla Jane said...

I love you Katiebug! I'm praying for you!

5/16/2006 6:58 PM  
Blogger jules said...

Katie - i still think of u often, and thank God for the summer that we got to work at camp together. i was blessed to have you and your honesty, courage, and insight in my P.O.W.E.R. group. i'm praying for u and your family in the transition ahead!

5/22/2006 10:44 AM  

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