Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Where did they get this idea...

As most of you know, I am student teaching right now. I am currently in Kindergarten (no, I'm not in kindergarten I'm teaching in kindergarten, actually, saying that I'm teaching is a stretch and I don't have time to go into that right now) Anyways, back to the story. Well, we have been talking about the farm and the other day the animal we were learning about was the cow. We were going to make cows out of giant peices of paper and use scraps to ad spots, legs, feet, tail and utter. During our discussion, one of the students asked what the pink part on the cow was and before I had time to answer another student blurted out, "It's the utter!" After I reminded him that he should not be talking without raising his hand, the student that had asked the question said, "His udder (kindergarten speach for other) what?" After I explained that this was where the farmer milked the cow, the child responded by saying, "Oh, I thought it was a pig that got stuck under the cow and those were his legs sticking down." After a great laugh I reminded him that only kangaroo's carry anything near there tummy and even then it's their own baby. Needless to say, I had a great laugh about it.


Blogger justinic9 said...

No, it's not accurate, but it's a pretty good description.

4/26/2006 2:03 PM  
Blogger theJRT said...

Haha... that is hilarious!

4/26/2006 8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a great "kids say the darnedst things" story too! When I was teaching two and three years at church once, I was reading the book "Morris the Moose Goes to School." In the book, Morris uses his (unusually long for a moose) tail as a jump rope. I was teasing with the kids and said, "Isn't that silly--using a tail for a jump rope. We don't have tails to do that!" So imagine my surprise when one of my brighter little boys quipped, "Oh, but Teacher, I DO have a tail. It's just in the front, not in the back!" :) I love kids!

Katie-be proud of this...my first and probably only time in a blog. Because I love ya~ Sarah

4/27/2006 4:22 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

that's too funny, Katie~

5/02/2006 12:40 PM  

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