Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Math Papers...

I know, it's been a long time since I posted anything new. It's not because I haven't had anything new and exciting happen, but because I've been so busy. Busy with teaching, busy with preparing for the move to Chicago, busy with being interviewed by the Watertown Daily Times (another blog topic for later this week) and busy grading papers.

What I'm about to tell you will confurm and questions you had in your mind about how crazy I am, but I'm still going to tell you anyway! When I was a kid, I wanted to be a teacher because I thought it would be really cool to grade papers. Let me just say, grading papers is not all it's cracked up to be, and I don't even have to record the grades yet! As can be gatherd from the title of this blog, I had math papers to grade. I love grading written papers, drawings, even listening to them read, but I HATE grade math papers. Yes, some would say "How hard can it be you just go down the line and see if they have the right answer?" But it's more than that. You see the same thing over and over again, when there is a mistake you have to figure out where it is, and most of all, there's no creativity! I love reading papers where they really show me what they are thinking, but math? Come on, there isn't anything "extra" you can put in math. It's just plain ol' numbers.

I realized, even when we love what we do, there are still things we have to do even when we don't love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you Katie on the Math having no creativity! I find the same thing when I do it!

3/17/2006 6:29 PM  

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