Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Four Letter word...

Ok, many of you may think I'm going to talk about work. Unfortunately that is not the four letter word I'm refering to. Let me also give this minor disclaimer. For those of you that may be squeemish, please read no more.

I am currently student teaching in Beaver Dam. I just started at this school on Monday (very hard to go back to school after graduation). It is a very unusual situation. I was supposed to be teaching in a four-year-old kindergarten. It is a four-year-old kindergarten, but it's a special needs class that only meets Tues-Fri. afternoons and only has nine students. So yesterday was my first time meetings these kids. I fell in love with each of them from the first minute. One of the little boys is in a wheel chair, but he's the sweetest little boy ever!!

Sorry, I got distracted - I had to set up the back ground for you to understand the rest. Well, today, as we were sitting down for a story one of the asst. teachers noticed something on one of the students heads. She didn't know what she was looking for and asked me if I did. Sinse I have spent the past three years working at daycare and had a student in each of my last two placements that had this same issue, I knew exactly what to look for. Yes, that's the four letter word - LICE!!! To make a long story short, we pulled 22 lice off his head, only to have his mother show up and say, "I couldn't find any lice so I don't think he really had it, so he'll be back tomorrow." The joys of being a teacher. "Knock on wood" I've never had lice, so hopefully I can keep up that great record. (Two day's ago I said the same thing about not having a speeding ticket and today - you guessed it - speeding ticket). So stay away from me for the next few weeks.

Over all I still love this bunch of kids. Special needs kids are the sweetest kids who only want a little bit of attention. They may not act or look like "everybody else" but they are wonderful, sweet and they get to everyone's heart including my own.


Blogger Carla Jane said...

Gross! glad to hear things are going well for you Katie aside from the lice scare! :) good luck with that. I'm adding you to my links but I'm hurt! I'm not a link on your blog either! whats up with that!! :) love you!

5/11/2006 12:47 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I totally know what you mean about those kids! im sure you are a great encouragement to them! i love you tons!

5/11/2006 6:16 PM  
Blogger Noah said...

Praying for you, Katie!

5/13/2006 9:43 AM  

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