Thursday, July 13, 2006

No More tears...

Two months ago today I wrote concerning my dad’s leaving Maranatha. So much has changed since that time. I know there are not that many people that read this blog, but I’m still going to preface it with this statement. What I’m about to say comes from a very wounded heart and technically a biased opinion, so if you are tired of hearing about this whole situation, don’t care what I have to say, are on the side of the board or just don’t think what I might say is true, please stop reading now. What I am about to write comes from my heart and I’m sure will come across as very biased and maybe to some, wrong, but this is my blog so I’m going to say what I want to say and don’t read it if you’re not interested.

Many of you are going to hear many things in the next few days. There is a letter being sent out by the board. Not everything in this letter is true, but not everything in this letter is false. Yes, there were allegations made against my dad. I believe my dad. Period. These women have no reputation and are known by no one in our “circles”. My dad has been in fulltime ministry for 30 plus years. He has been faithful with his time, service, and finances. He has given 210% of everything he has. Yet, when it comes down to there are people that are going to take the word of these four HORRIBLE women that have no reputation over that of my dad’s.

Another thing that is being said is that my dad refused counseling. That is totally false. He went to counseling and this counseling cost him greatly. It cost him being away from his family for his birthday as well as Father’s Day and it cost him not being home to celebrate with his son on his engagement. So don’t you DARE tell me that he refused counseling. I’m still waiting to give him his birthday present until he can actually care again because of that counseling.

Third, and last, has anyone ever heard of restitution? The last time I looked in my Bible God still forgives. What these women said isn’t true, but if it were, isn’t my dad the one that needs encourage, Christian fellowship, comfort, guidance, help and love not to be taken out to the curb like the evening trash? How dare the people of God throw away their own. Are you telling me that you’ve never made a mistake? I didn’t know God made any perfect people!!! I sure would like to meet them.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m hurt, bruised and even angry. Yes, I’m angry at the situation. Hurt by the board, yes I’m angry at these women, but most of all I’m disappointed that man thinks he has the right to judge. God is the only one who knows every detail of this whole scandal (yes, that’s what I call it, a Baptist scandal) so should it not be God that deals with my dad and his ministry. I pray that God do a mighty work in someone life – my dad’s, the people involved in this or both, because nothing scares me more than thinking that man is in control of the future.

I can’t cry another tear. My heart breaks for my father. I love him more than life. My heart breaks for Maranatha the school. I love the students and faculty. My heart breaks because I’m afraid that my generation will grow up and rebel because man has taken things into their own hands and left God out of the picture.

I cry no more because I’ve cried all my tears away. I cry no more, because God can still do great things. I cry no more, because it hurts far deeper than tears can help. I cry no more because I know MY God is still righteous and He will do right by us even if that means pain from man for many days to come. Man many not care about us, but God loves me more than I even understand. Yes, I weep for my father, but Jesus wept for us because He loves us more than we will ever understand. There are no more tears because Jesus still cares for us.

**Please take time to read my most recent blog on the situation and how God is using this trial in my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I am not an official blogger, I check in on most of the MBBC Blogs ocassionally. I appreciate this post about your dad. Very honest and evry transparent, exactly what we have seen from your family for the past several years. I am praying for you all.

7/14/2006 3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went looking for you to see how you were doing and let you know I miss and love you. I miss our library talks most of all.

I don't know what all you're talking about, and frankly, I don't need to know. But I do know that you have many MANY people who love you, Katie Bug. MANY!

Don't forget it. I don't know if you want/need any more verses, but if you do...Nahum 1:7 has been my favorite forever.

Miss you, friend.

7/15/2006 8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fundamental Baptist world is very unforgiving at times, which is horrible since we are supposed to hold the truth of God's love and His word. Yet, too often we throw the first stone and many more after that.

I understand why the board felt they had to send that letter, but I cringed as I read it. It felt like a tabloid gossip collum. But I am not surprised at all that fundamentlaist leadership was so eager to push all the blame away from their side of the court.

Katie, I am also afraid that our generation will rebell because so many of us have been hurt in a like fashion. My husband and I struggle daily with feelings of anger and sadness from hurts that were inflicted by the very people who were our leadership, our firends, and the people who taught us about God and claimed to know God.

It's time for our generation to raise up with leaders and voices that want true, genuine religion that focuses on God and His love and His forgiveness in proportion with His righteouness and judgment.

Situations like this one arise too often because we are Pharasees in our whited seplicures focused on making ourselves look good on the outside. And we are willing to turn on anyone to keep up that image.

I truly hope that this doesn't sound like angry ramblings. It comes from a heart of hurt and hope for a religion free of dirty politics. If you don't understand what I'm saying, or want to hear more about this topic, I encourage you to read a blog my husband, Dale, posted at entitled GodCon06. It was posted back in May.

Katie, it's o.k. to be hurt. But anger only hurts you and your family. Take it from someone who had to learn that the hard way. You cannot control what other people do and say, but you are responsible for your actions. I think your feelins are completely understandable and your attitude in this whole ordeal is comendable.

7/16/2006 10:38 AM  
Blogger Kutzie said...

Thinking about and praying for you. I enjoyed seeing your family at camp a few weeks ago. Love you!

7/16/2006 2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know you don't know me well if at all, but i was a freshmen last year. I was dissapointed at some of the shadiness and how this was handled. I don't know all the details, but after the letter and your blogg, my heart goes out to you, your family, and the Maranatha student body. Far too often we shoot our wounded with little or no attempts to help them through the trials, chastizements, or sins. Whatever the truths are, all i know is that God is still God, and we are still pathetic man. Let's get back to Godly unity as found in Philippians!

7/16/2006 8:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Joel and I love you and your parents (and yes, even DAVIS!). You have our love and support. Call whenever you need to...I mean day or night!

7/16/2006 8:25 PM  
Blogger Jim and Angel said...

i wish i could be there with you right now. i know you're hurting, but i also know that God is in control of this entire situation. i love you and your family...let me know if there's anything i can do! im praying for you guys!
love you!

7/17/2006 11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate your thoughts, Katie. Nice to get another side of the story...I agree with Jessica's comments on the letter.

7/17/2006 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to address my last comment on this page because my wording was confusing. When I said “Disappointed at some of the Shadiness and how it was handled”” I meant the backbiting style used by many students, bloggers, and “Christians.” Many people are not “handling” this problem justly. I was not referring to the board or the Jaspers family. I have full confidence in ALL the godly men involved in the decisions. I give them my full support!

A very godly leader that did great things for my college has been shot off his horse by the enemy. We mourn, but trust that God will bring us through and receive His glory due Him. However we all are affected—whether great or small—God will carry us through.

My opinions do not matter—but I want you to know I am praying for your family and the school family (students, teachers, board, etc.) in the rough road ahead. You have many prayers. Many will be harsh, but many still love!

7/18/2006 5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to address my last comment on this page because my wording was confusing. When I said “Disappointed at some of the Shadiness and how it was handled”” I meant the backbiting style used by many students, bloggers, and “Christians.” Many people are not “handling” this problem justly. I was not referring to the board or the Jaspers family. I have full confidence in ALL the godly men involved in the decisions. I give them my full support!

A very godly leader that did great things for my college has been shot off his horse by the enemy. We mourn, but trust that God will bring us through and receive His glory due Him. However we all are affected—whether great or small—God will carry us through.

My opinions do not matter—but I want you to know I am praying for your family and the school family (students, teachers, board, etc.) in the rough road ahead. You have many prayers. Many will be harsh, but many still love!

7/18/2006 5:39 PM  
Blogger Katiebug said...

Anonymous: I will post your comments as soon as you put your name on them.

7/18/2006 6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My heart goes out to you. I have no idea who to believe in this, but it really doesn't matter in regards to how the Lord works in your life through all of this. Please don't allow yourself to get bitter. I have seen so many hearts ruined by the poison of bitterness. Allow your eyes to "look unto Jesus". Ask for His love as you seek to respond right to those who have hurt you. I would love to talk/email if you ever want to do so.

7/18/2006 11:30 PM  
Blogger Robert Shaffer said...

I know you have heard it from a lot of people, but I will continue to pray for you and your family. I want to encourage you to continue to have a good testimony through all of this. God is still in control, and no matter what happen and will happen, God is still there.

7/18/2006 11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I do not know your family and have never been to Watertown, but after reading your blog felt compelled to respond. You see I have 2 daughters, a 24 year old and a 21 year old and I am sure that they love me as much as you love your daddy, and I love them as dearly as I am sure your daddy loves you.

I understand your anger but noticed that none of it was directed at your father. I would encourage you to talk to your father and ask him to be honest with you about what actually happened. With these kinds of accusations there most always is some element of truth. Your fathers honesty with you would go a long way toward your healing from the tremendous hurt that you are experiencing.

I have seen too many young people, who could have been effectively used by God, drop out of the "race" because of their wounds. I have prayed for you today and I have been challenged by your words to strive to live above reproach, especially for the sake of my daughters.

Thank you for sharing your hurt.

7/19/2006 7:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I read the board's letter, I was desperate for somewhere to react... so I'll send it your way.

I'm not in a position to know what the whole truth in this situation is, but several things about the MBBC board letter are red flags. They suggest to me that either we have a very unfortunate lack of clarity in the letter, or several things have not handled properly by the board.

As a Wisconsin pastor with students at MBBC in the past (and future, no doubt), I'm not entirely unbiased either. Here are the red flags...

1. Among the steps the letter says the board took, asking Dr.Jaspers what actually happened early on is oddly missing. There were several places where this action should have been taken: the best being the instant allegations came to the attention of the board. If Dr.Jaspers could not be reached, the whole thing should have been put on hold until he could be reached to speak for himself. If that's what happened, the letter doesn't say so.

2. The accusation by the therapists is one thing, the failure to take measures to protect himself from accusation is another. The two should not be confused and the latter should not be characterized as "disobedience to biblical admonition." I don't know what Dr.Jaspers claims on this point, but massage therapists are generally considered medical professionals and who brings witnesses along with them to see a dentist or chiropractor?

3. If it was not determined that the improper conduct alleged by the therapists actually occurred, how can it be wrong to resist counseling in regards to it? If the board knows it in fact did happen, why doesn't it say so?

4. If Dr.Jaspers chose to emphasize other factors in his public statements, this is not, in itself improper. The letter itself indicates that excessive traveling was discussed. If he went so far as to admit a "reckless lifestyle," to the board, this may be nothing more than an expression of regret: that seeing these therapists has proved to have been a mistake.

5. Dr.Jaspers' original public statements on the subject spoke of the board only in respectful and neutral terms. There is nothing there that requires a defense from the board.

In light of all this, I can't see why it was necessary for this letter to go out at all. If the board is aware of truly serious misconduct--something beyond failing to take a witness along when seeing a therapist, or backing out of counseling that we don't even know was needed, it does not appear there.

So the letter fails to justify its own existence and serves only to make the situation much uglier than it needed to be. It raises alot more questions than it answers. The key issue is are the accusing therapists telling the truth? If they are not, or we don't know, the other stuff is trivial and the board should have been content to let Jaspers resign on his own terms and let the way he chose to present it to the public stand.

If there is actually alot more to this than they are saying, we'd all be better served if they would be clear or just be silent.

7/19/2006 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like your comments specifically on this section of the MBBC ltr.

"Shortly before the Board of Trustees meeting on May 11, a college administrator was confronted with accusations from a Watertown massage therapist that Dr. Jaspers had displayed inappropriate behavior during therapy sessions. She stated that three other therapists who had previously treated him had each suffered similar experiences.

Because the accusations involved the College’s president and individuals outside the college family (rather than personal offenses between believers), the administrator contacted a Board member who is both the College’s legal counsel and a member of the Executive Committee. He required that the accusations be put in writing and then forwarded them to the Executive Committee. He and another committee member then interviewed all four therapists. Their accusations were consistent and credible and raised grave concerns of long-standing misconduct by Dr. Jaspers"

Specifically did your father visit the massage therapists?

7/19/2006 12:07 PM  
Blogger Bob M said...

I have prayed for you and your family since 1989. You came to our church in Kalamazoo and had dinner in our little home in Battle Creek. We made chili and you and Davis sat there and never complained, although neither of you wanted it. Once we noticed it, we made you sandwiches. It was grace.

I told Dave I would pray for him and you regularly and have ever since. I came and got an MABS at MBBC in 1995. When he became president, I was concerned that that high pressure would not be good and I talked with him and wrote to him. I have done all this because God has given me a love for your family for a long time. I am a pastor now in Minnesota and we are all praying for you, Davis, David and Kathy.

It is unfortunate that some of the people we run into in fundamental circles inflict the greatest harm on us. But the trials are the means God uses to develop perseverance in us. I do not understand why God would allow these accusations against your dad, but we will pray that the untruths will be revealed.
Bob Meredith

7/19/2006 12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please know that the extended church of Christ is holding you in prayer, that the truth of the matter will come to light, that sin will be repented of on whatever side, and God will be glorified in the way the situation is handled by everyone. My own father was at one time wrongfully accused (I hope in this case its okay to withhold my name: there is no need to raise further speculation about my dad: you don't know me-- in any case you will read this and know there are those who understand your feelings). Ultimately whoever is wrong, and whoever is right -- there is forgiveness with God, that He may be feared. For all of us.

7/19/2006 2:27 PM  
Blogger Katiebug said...

Onlooker, Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. It is a great blessing to know that there are others out there that have gone through the same type of thing. I know there are many, but I really thank you for letting me know. If there is anyway I can be a help and incouragement to you as you have been to me, so please, feel free to email me, since I totally understand about you wanting to keep your name withheld. If you do not want to contact me I totally understand that as well, but be assured of my prayers for you. Keep Christ at the center of your life and don't let the terrible sin of bitterness creep in as it has tried so hard to do on me. God bless you.

7/19/2006 2:36 PM  
Blogger Katiebug said...

Thank you for your question. I will do my best to answer it, because I feel it was a fair and honest question. Yes my dad did see a massage THERAPIST. Here is why:
For many years my dad has suffered from very bad lower back problems. It's actually a genetic thing that his grandfather had too. Well, a number of years ago he went to a chiropractor, but because his back was so stiff and already in such bad shape the chiropractor said he couldn't do him any good until he loosen up. So he recommended dad go to a massage therapist. At first dad was mortified because of the reputation of "massage therapy". He, as many people, felt that massage therapy was an inappropriate, more sexual thing. The chiropractor told him that no in fact it was not that way with massage THERAPY. So he decided to go. Well, it did help, but when he would explain to these massage therapist that his pain was in his upper legs and lower back, they took offence to this and thought he was asking them to do something in appropriate, when in actuality, he was just asking them to help where he hurt and where the chiropractor said he was too tight. Thus, one thing lead to another and that is where we are today.

7/19/2006 2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Katie,
For some, your family's struggles will present an opportunity for gossip and speculation. For others, it will cause deep sorrow, grief, and anger. For a great many of us, this has been a call to fervent prayer, not just for your family and the ministries in which you are involved; but also for the many other men whose ministries touch millions of lives around the world. Tonight my husband is preaching to his tiny congregation in the backwoods of Vermont a lesson on how to pray for those God has chosen for His ministry. How many hundreds of times have we prayed in such a generic way that our hearts are broken and convicted now as we realize in horror that one of our strongest warriors lies wounded on the battlefield? I KNOW God will be glorified. I am specifically praying that the trial you and your family are facing will be the spark that lights a wildfire of revival in our nation as we renew our dedication to prayer and evaluate our own lives before the Lord.

7/19/2006 4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Katie:

Jalene and I want you to know how much we appreciate and value your thoughts. They were very well stated and we agree completely. Be sure of our love for you and that we are praying for you.


Uncle Torrey

7/19/2006 9:53 PM  
Blogger Noah said...

Katie, out of respect for those who deserve the space far more than I, I'm sending my post as an email. We are praying....


7/19/2006 10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago you came to our church in Philadelphia for meetings. AT the end of themeetings we gave your father his check and then gave you and your brother some money for yourselves. Since then, we have prayed for you but never as we have in the past few months. Your mother was a member of my father's church in Hadley. We continue to pray for you. We love you and your family.

Bruce Love

7/20/2006 9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear, dear Katie,

How I wish that you and Davis did not have to go through this ordeal. Your computer-dummy aunt has been moved to write her first blog after reading the expressions from your wounded heart. As a friend once wrote me, nothing can be all bad that keeps us on our knees.

Since the day we first heard of the supposed sin of your Dad, Uncle Gary and I have been driven to our knees in deeper dependence on the Lord, the Judge of all the earth who does right. Though there is hurt and frustration, I sense that same dependence in your writing, Katie.

In the end, what people think about anything, even your Dad, is not what matters. His name will become dirt to some people this week, but not to the Lord. Keep on caring about what He thinks, especially as you trust Him for your family's future. The Lord said to Israel "in quietness and trust is your strength." Is 30:15 I'm praying for your heart to know that quietness and trust, Katie.

We love you,
Aunt Mary

7/20/2006 10:32 AM  
Blogger Jbrabson said...


You probably know my sister better than I, Elisabeth Brabson, however, I am inclined to comment briefly. I wanted to inform you that as a youth pastor I have been extremely impressed and blessed by what God has done through your parents ministry. It has been obvious to many that God chose to use your father in a mighty way. To which I am mighty thankful.

Because of the "clandestine" way that much of this has been handled, it is difficult to remain unbiased and objective. I desire to give people the benefit of the doubt. If opinions mean anything, I believe that there was a lack of wisdom used by the board in this instance. To much of the "public" here in Northern Michigan, it seems to be a public form of the "hit back game" for unknown reasons. That is the perception, perhaps not the reality.

But also, due to the clandestine nature of the "accusations" (notice the quotes) :) I don't believe I can exempt your dad either, while he holds a good reputation, a good reput. can fall as anyone. This is not an accus. it's a mere statement of objective fact. If the "accusations" were dealt with in a public manner I personally (opinion) believe he would be exonerated. Sadly anymore in America an accusation assumes guilt with many people-many believers are the worst in this case.

Alas, the way that this has been handled has been a disgrace to the cause of Christ through MBBC. My theology prof. in college used to say: "The sin problems in people create problems between people that only God can resolve." May God work mightily in your family.

In the Work of Christ

Pastor James Brabson

7/20/2006 11:09 AM  
Blogger kathryn said...

There are plenty of opinions on who was right or wrong in this matter. I'm not going to state mine here. What's done is done, what's said is said. The ball is in our court now--the students, alumni, pastors, etc. We've got a mess of some sort or another, it's hard to know just what to think. This would be a really good time for the devil to take advantage of us and show the world that Christians are a bunch of unloving, deceitful, gossips, hypocrites, with no real hope, nothing really different. Then again, it would be a really great time for God through us to show them otherwise.

We show we are Christians by our love. Right now, we can choose to put off pride, gossip, criticism, judgmentalism, and speculation (honestly, that's the one I'm afraid of) and instead choose discretion and compassion. We can choose to follow God's proper procedure and take any issues we have to the people responsible rather than spreading them. We can take the time and energy to pray for the Jaspers family and the board, and find ways to encourage them.

And we also have a chance to show right now who our God is. Which is exactly what you got from the end of Katie's post. We can't negate the mess or the fact that there will be consequences, and we can't make all parties faultless in the matter; we can't escape sin that still stares us in the face in this groaning world. But we can still choose to respond in trust that God is just, true, good. Even if we can't see it, we can testify that even in this He is our hope and our righteousness.

7/20/2006 1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie, I know you dont know me, but I am angela marshall's sister. I went to PCC. I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you family. I am in school to be a massage therapist and ethics is ingrained in us. I must say that I think these women knew who he was and banded together to ruin his reputation. They had opportunity to not do what is alleged, yet they continued soley to disgrace your family and the school. I am ashamed of them for the reflection on the occupation. I just want you to know that I am praying for you. I only knoew you by name as Angela spoke of you early on. Take care!

7/20/2006 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Katie,
My name is Brent Sivnksty and I have known your dad for a good number of years. I would love to talk to him but I don't have a number so would you please tell him I love him and am praying for him and your family during this time. My email is if he would care to drop me a line. Psalm 18:30 has always been an encouragement to me during life's trials; I trust it will encourage you.

7/20/2006 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is your Father intending to make a statement? It could be helpful to all parties.

7/20/2006 3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

I'm a stay-home-mom and a pastor's wife. I had heard of your father's resignation a while back, but hadn't thought too much about it since I am not tightly connected with Maranatha. And recently, too, my husband informed me about the letter released from the board, etc. As I asked my husband a few questions regarding the letter and your blog, he thought it best for me to read it myself to make my own assessment. I did that tonight, and I read through all 35 comments on your blog in response to your comments about these last few months.

I've been mulling a few things over about this situation. I was deeply grieved to hear of the accusations. I call them accusations, because who am I to say they are true? Yet, this situation has given further thought to my own sinful flesh. Katie, totatlly regardless of whether sin did take place, I am made so aware almost daily at how POSSIBLE it is for me to fall into sin. Just before I starting typing, I finished reading in my Bible I Peter 5:8 about the devil wanting to utterly destroy me. I don't trust myself when it comes to the flesh! And while there ought to be some established trust between married partners (Prov. 31:11), I also, in a biblical sense, am cautiously aware of my husband and his vulnerability to fall into ministry-destroying sins. I ask him on a semi-regular basis about his thoughts...regarding their purity. I speak of these things, not to say that anyone is innocent or guilty, but Christians, for sure, ought to be always aware that sin is a very real POSSIBILITY. So to say that someone we know very well would never do a particular sin is a really bold and perhaps demonstrates a lack of understanding about our sinful flesh, capable of any sin at any time. Thus, the warning to those who think they stand to "take heed lest we fall" (I Cor. 10:12). I would, however, "hope all things" as it speaks of in I Corinthians 13:7 and desire that these would be FALSE accusations against your father.

Secondly, I can tell that you feel as though you and your family have been slandered and wrongly accused. Whether with or without validation, the Bible still gives instruction on what our response should be. If you've been falsely accused (Matt. 5:11), rejoicing should be our response (vs. 12). And "do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good" as it speaks of in Romans 12:21. I feel like an insensitive preacher, but in all reality, I desire to encourage and exhort you, that those these correct responses are totatlly impossible in the flesh, God can display HIS POWER through you and then can He truly get the praise from this situation.

I'm truly concerned for your dad, and the reputation of MBBC, who both carry the reputation of Christ. But particularly, I'm concerned for you and those responding to your blog. Our words (spoken or typed) mirror the condition of our heart, and I was hoping for more of a Biblical and Christ-like response.

I am sorry for your hurt. I hurt with you and with this situation.


7/20/2006 11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

We live in Canada and our daughters attended MBBC while your Dad was there. Your Dad's leadership is a huge reason we sent them. We had a wonderful time of fellowship with him when he came to our conference in March of this year. We have never met your mom - or the great kids that your dad spoke of so proudly. :)

We have a warm, loving church that believes God forgives. We count on His forgiveness daily in our lives. Keep tapping into God's unbelievable love and grace. This is a very difficult time in your life but if you allow, God will use it for His purposes and ultimate glory.

We love your dad, and through him, we love your family. We love MBBC, too. We are the family of God and some are equipped to step in and surround you with what you need at the moment. Lord willing, the rest will surround you in prayer.


Jayne Cogswell

Park Royal Bible Church
Mississauga Ontario Canada

7/21/2006 7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7/21/2006 1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Something I have yet to fully understand about your dad's accusers: are they true medical professionals? If so is there not a patient and medical professional privledge or does such privlege not exist at this level?

I believe your dad will weather the storm and the Lord will yet use him in ministry. I have been a Baptist pastor for 30 years and it is quite apparent that we best kill our wounded.

It may be that your dad did not see the need for you or your mom to go with him to see a medical professional. We normally do not take a person along when we see a doctor or a dentist. How was he to know that he would be shredded?

Sadly, in today's ministry no one can be too careful. We must never allow ourselves to be in a position where someone's words, whether true of false can be used against us in a "he said/she said" manner.

ZYou dad will recover. Be there for him. Trust him fully and know that God remains our never-failing Friend, faithful to the end.

7/21/2006 1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and your family.
1Pe 1:3,6 ; James 1:2-4; Matthew 5:44

7/21/2006 9:12 PM  
Blogger Katiebug said...

Anonymous - They were supposedly professionals, but the actions they took by going to a third party and not thier client shows they were not professional at all. I understand how people can feel there is something "wrong" taking place, but that is when they should go to thier client, not a third party. Hope that helps.

7/21/2006 11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7/22/2006 11:09 PM  
Blogger Katiebug said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7/23/2006 8:33 PM  
Blogger Katiebug said...

Dear Drjisinnocent,

Thank you so much for your support and help of our family during this time. It means a great deal to us to know that we have friends that are praying for us during this time of transition.

I did get a chance to look at your myspace page. While I understand you can post whatever you want to, I would ask that you kindly remove all names of board members from your post. I do not think it is fair to drag other peoples names through the mud even though we have been. I have learned that in times like these name calling just makes things worse. Again, I realize it is your space and you can write whatever you want. Please do not take this as a way of me saying we are not greatful for your love, prayer and support. My dad has no intention of reacting to the boards public letter against him. He believes now it a time for healing and not for war.

Thank you again for your love, support and prayer.

7/23/2006 8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Katie for the response. I admire your dad's attitude and humility in this whole matter we could learn a lot from his reaction. He has been ruthlessly attacked and he has continued to take the highroad. Your family has done the right thing by remaining above the Frey. Just remember there are people who will continue to spread the truth about your dad's innocence.

7/24/2006 12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7/24/2006 1:10 AM  
Blogger Slim said...


I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you, your Dad, Mom, and Davis through all of this. I can't even begin to imagine what this ordeal has been like on your family. I have a ton of respect for your Dad. Last year he came to my home church while Steve Mann and I did pastoral internships there. Your Dad was our speaker for teen camp (which he hold on our church property) and then did a Sunday through Wednesday revival meeting. While the kids at Camp were blessed tremendously by his speaking and personal care for each kid (ask your Dad if he remembers his night at Hershey Park), I receive such a blessing from the Lord because of your Dad. During the week of revival meetings, we had your Dad over for dinner. It uplifting not only because your Dad made it a point to spread positive propaganda about me to my parents (and he said great things from the pulpit about me, Steve, and multiple other Maranatha students whom go to church with us), but he took the time to really connect with my Dad. Well, it didn’t take much. They started talking about Harley’s (my Dad sells them) and that just got the ball rolling. Just before he left to get ready for the service that evening, your Dad took the time to encourage my Dad to come out to the service that night. My Dad hasn’t gone to church (with a few rare exceptions when I preached) since I was in Junior High, and he went that night. While my Dad hasn’t gone back since, and didn’t make any spiritual decision, your Dad clearly made an impact on my Dad. Every week I call home to talk to my parents, my Dad consistently asks “how is Dr. Jaspers doing? Has he had the Harley out lately?” And when I first told him about my whole incident and getting in trouble at school, my Dad’s first response was, “well what did Dr. Jaspers say to you?” My Dad always wants to know what’s going on around campus now too; this coming from the same man who told me that if I went to MBBC, I’d “never get a real job.” I don’t know if my Dad will ever go back to church again consistently. But, if somehow, God could use this whole thing to bring my Dad back to him…….well, for my part….that’d be worth it.

I’m also glad to see that God is teaching you through this ordeal. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I back your Dad up and he did no wrong, but I’m also not sitting here saying that the Board has done everything correctly. I’m an outsider. I am not close to the situation other than being a student at this college. I respect what you have said and support you for saying what you said. But I also support the board (not in sending out the letter, but for trying to do what they feel is God led, whether it is or not is not for me to be the judge of). I am praying that God’s will, his plan, are done through this no matter what. And that will take place. While I wish your Dad was here until the Lord took him home, that isn’t in God’s plan. The Lord has something else for you and your family; and I’m praying that soon all this hurt and pain will go away. But God will use it for his gain and his glory. I don’t want to compare what I am and was going through to what your Dad has and is going through. First off, everything that was “charged” against me was completely accurate. Everything I had been accused of was true. I had sinned, and that needed to be dealt with. But, I, like you Katie, have learned many things from the Lord. I had friends that came along next to me to encourage me. But, I also had/have people remind how stupid I was, and ask how I could have done that. They may or may not forgive me. But, God already has. And more importantly, he isn’t done using me. I’m still alive, so God’s still going to use me. If God can still use me, then certainly he is going to continue to use your family; as you teach beginning in the Fall; As Davis gets graduates, gets married, and gets into the ministry; your Mom and Dad….they served for 30 years and God had used them in many different aspects all of that time……and now he would just stop? There is no way. God has used all four of you in many different lives, and the Lord will continue to do so. Thanks Katie, and your family for your testimony through this time. Let your family know that I, and many people who may never tell them, are praying for them during this time.

In Christ,
Jon Messenger

7/25/2006 12:25 PM  
Blogger Katiebug said...

Dear Innocent,

Let me start by saying thank you for your support of my family at this time. I really thank you for standing up in a time when few are taking stands.

I write concerning your myspace account. I, due to the Maranatha filter, am not able to get onto the site, but have heard from several family members and friends that you have copied and pasted what I wrote on your site. I recognize the fact that when you put something on line it can be taken much further than you could even dream it would go, so I understand that the moment I put it out there, I was accepting the fact it could go far and wide. However, I am concerned because other people having been telling me that there is some inappropriate material on that site as well (ie: swearing, false statements about the board, suggestive comics). Because of this material, I would kindly ask you that you make note that I am not supporting that myspace account. I will back up anything I say, and I will thank you for your support, but I do not want my name to be associated with your web page. There are several reasons for this. One, I believe things like this destroy the name of Christ, specifically swearing, false statements, and inappropriate jokes. Second, I am preparing to be a teacher at a well known Christian school in just a few days. I would hate for this to become a problem at my new school. Third, what I post on my blog is what I say, but as soon as someone starts copying and pasting what I have written and putting it in other places, it can easily be mistaken and/or used in a different way than I planned for it to be used.

Again, thank you for you support and prayers for our family at this time, but I would kindly ask you to remove my name and post from your website.

7/25/2006 9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks we will comply with your wishes. Sorry if the site has caused your family any pain it was not the motive or intent.

7/26/2006 7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

Just want to say thank you for your faithfulness to Christ. I grew up as a pastor's kid and I'm not saying that I understand your situation because no one can completely understand what you've gone through unless they've gone through the exact situation with you (which furthermore is a fabulous reason as to why no one should ever critisize your family!); however, I do understand the hurt, lies, rumors, hypocrisy, etc from people who supposedly claim to be ambassadors for Christ. I appreciate how you've risen above this trial that God has allowed & through this your passion and devotion to Christ is evident. Your dad & mom's godly leadership has touched thousands, probably much more than thousands of lives...including mine. Not for a moment do I doubt what your dad has to say about the situation & I abhore how "Christians" bathe in gossip & slander. What wicked foolishness & a waste when Christians should be striving to glorify the King of Kings! Keep your head up! God is still on the throne and He will bring your family through this time in His strength and power. As a sister in Christ, I love you & will be praying for you!!!

7/26/2006 8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie -- it's Roberta.
I just heard about this whole awful situation.
I want you to know, my dear friend, that the reputation that your father (and your whole family) left with me so many years ago, was a reputation of integrity, and God-fearing service to the Lord.
I want you to know that I am praying for you, that I love you, and your family!
Please, please, please email me ( I miss you!


6/26/2007 12:30 AM  

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